PRF Injections in Newport Beach

PRF Injections in Newport Beach, CA | Beauty Boost Med Spa

PRF Injections (EZ Gel PRF)

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) involve using a concentration of the patient’s blood that is rich in growth factors. The procedure involves taking a tube of your blood and running it through a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets. The activated platelets release growth factors to stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells in the region where they are applied or injected.

PRP is used to accelerate wound healing caused by microneedling, and PRF is used as an injectable to generate collagen in areas such as dark, hollow under eyes or wrinkles such as smile lines or necklines. PRP or PRF is also used as an injectable to restore hair loss in areas such as the scalp and eyebrows! Best results are seen after 3-5 treatments separated 6 weeks apart.


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Package of 2 for $1500

Package of 3 for $2100

Using your own growth factors to brighten, tighten and improve fine lines under your eyes, smile lines, marionette lines, or necklines.

Additional Area Add On $250

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