
How a Platelet-Rich Fibrin Procedure Can Help Restore Youth To Your Skin

Doctor holding treatment tube on hand | Get to know about PRP in Beauty Boost Med Spa at Newport Beach, CA

There comes a time in life when you look in the mirror and…There. They. Are. Fine-lines on the forehead, smile lines, hollow eyes, and maybe even some thinning hair. This is natural with age but as with most things in life, you can control the progression of the aging process and restore youth! Platelet-rich fibrin, otherwise known as PRF, therapy is a new cosmetic treatment that uses your own platelet-rich fibrin (a by-product of blood that is exceptionally rich in platelets) to rejuvenate the skin, treat hair loss, and more. Here is everything you need to know about PRF as a cosmetic treatment.

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) vs. Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)

Similar to PRP, Platelet-rich Fibrin therapy has historically been used in hospitals after surgery to accelerate the body’s own healing process and treat wound healing. With technology advancements in the cosmetic industry, it is now used to treat beauty, aging concerns like fine lines, sagging skin, and volume, as well as pain management concerns.

PRF differs from Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is that it is much more simple and easy to do! With PRP, blood is drawn then spun in a centrifuge multiple times with anticoagulant and other ingredients before it can be used. PRF, on the other hand, still requires a blood draw but only one centrifuge process. Once complete, your unique serum is placed in a syringe where it can be used for injection immediately


There are a lot of chemical reactions happening between centrifuge and the injection process, which makes it crucial for the cosmetic provider to work quickly, intelligently, and diligently. Needless to say, we have years of experience and hundreds of hours of training at Beauty Boost, so we know what we’re doing!


Platelet-Rich Fibrin Treatments For Hair Growth

The main function of PRF is to stimulate healthy skin over time by increasing cellular turnover and collagen synthesis. As such, it can be used to stimulate the cells responsible for hair growth, too. Once your serum is ready, shallow injections are made into thinning areas of the hair to activate hair follicles. PRF is especially effective in the early stages of hair loss and can stimulate dormant hair follicles to return to a growth phase.

PRF Treatments For Skin

Platelet-rich Fibrin therapy is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to dermal fillers. It can help restore loss of elasticity and volume, as well as even skin tone and texture from age and acne. One case study actually showed an immediate improvement in skin volume after just one PRF session! Since this treatment uses a unique fibrin clot technology from your blood’s very own growth factors, there are no ‘foreign-bodies’ involved and is considered an ideal approach for anyone looking for a more natural approach to anti-aging concerns.

Here at our med spa in Newport Beach, we have used PRF during microneedling facials to correct under-eye circles, wrinkles, and fine lines resulting in a more youthful look.

PRF Injections Under The Eyes

PRF injections under the eyes is a concentrated form of platelets and white blood cells obtained from a blood draw and is used as an alternative to hyaluronic acid fillers. The growth factors, platelets, mesenchymal stem cells, and cytokines in PRF can help repair the tissues around your eyes, leading to a smooth, rejuvenated appearance. It can be used for dark circles, acne scarring, skin texture, tear troughs, hair restoration, and volume loss.

PRF Under Eye Treatment Before And After Photos

Before and After PRP/PRF treatment | Beauty Boost Med Spa in Newport Beach, CA

PRF Facials

To stimulate a youthful look around the eyes, mouth, and lips, Platelet-rich fibrin therapy can be added to your microneedling facial, just like PRP.

During your 20 minute PRF facial treatment, our Physician’s Assistant or Nurse Practitioner will withdraw a small amount of blood, complete the centrifuge process as described above, then immediately begin the microneedling. Noticeable results can be seen after the first session, but to really kick-start the skin’s healing process, a series of 2-3 sessions over the course of a year should be booked.

For lasting results, we recommend this procedure in conjunction with dermal fillers. While PRF is a fantastic non-invasive cosmetic treatment for anyone looking to restore a healthy, youthful glow, only cosmetic injections will stop new wrinkles and fine lines from forming on your skin. Think of fillers as your immediate defense for smoothing lines and wrinkles and softening creases, and the PRF growth factors as the maintenance crew that provides additional improvements over the next two to three months.

Before and After Microneedling PRP/PRF Treatment | Beauty Boost Med Spa in Newport Beach, CA

What To Expect From Platelet-Rich Fibrin Treatments

PRF has no downtime, so you can easily book a treatment to fit your busy schedule. After treatment, some redness, mild irritation, and swelling may occur. This is a sign that your skin is healing itself and should disappear within hours to days.

As with any cosmetic treatment, responses vary, but most patients require 2-3 treatments to see major results. Each PRF session is spaced approximately 2-3 months apart, or as needed. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can have either, so PRF can become part of your normal anti-aging routine if it works well for you!

Is PRF Treatment Right For You?

Nearly anyone who has lost any youthful glow and is concerned about signs of aging is a good candidate for PRF. Especially those that prefer a more natural, gradual cosmetic treatment approach in their beauty routine. Contact our Newport Beach medical spa to schedule your free consultation and learn more today.

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