Sylfirm in Newport Beach

Sylfirm X RF Microneedling in Newport Beach, CA | Beauty Boost Med Spa

Sylfirm X (RF Microneedling)

 Sylfirm X is a skin treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) heat. Sylfirm X stimulates collagen production, tightens and tones, and reduces skin laxity while smoothing and rejuvenating the skin. Sylfirm X is designed to treat skin laxity, tone, and texture while being appropriate for all skin types. Being a powerful contouring tool, it can tighten loose skin around the face, eye area, and neck and help reduce jowls. With its different settings of pulse-wave & continuous-wave, it can also treat various skin conditions such as melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and acne scars. While the skin and neck are common treatment areas for Sylfirm X, it can also be used to tighten skin on areas like the abdomen and inner arms with noticeable results.

Sylfirm X uses the most advanced radiofrequency technology available; the results are significant compared to other radiofrequency devices as the benefits can be noticeable immediately, there is virtually no downtime, and patients report little to no pain.

Improve your outcome with the addition of Exosomes. Exosomes are a regenerative medicine serum of plasma that contains stem cells & growth factors. It allows for rapid and advanced healing deep in the skin where the channels were created during treatment. Exosomes help boost your skin’s collagen production and significantly speed up healing.

Package pricing available.


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Face only


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Neck Only


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Face & Neck Signature with Exosomes



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Package of 3

Face & Neck Signature Treatments with Exosomes


Frequently Asked Questions:

Ideal candidates for Sylfirm X treatment are individuals seeking to address skin concerns such as pigmentation irregularities, acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles. Those with various skin types and tones can benefit from this non-invasive procedure.

Results from Sylfirm X treatment are often noticeable immediately after the procedure, with further improvements visible over the following weeks. Optimal results typically develop within 1 to 3 months as the skin undergoes rejuvenation and collagen remodeling.

The longevity of results from Sylfirm X treatment depends on individual skin characteristics and the specific concerns addressed. It is common for results to last six months to 1 year or longer with proper skincare maintenance and sun protection.

Sylfirm X treatment typically involves minimal downtime, with most patients experiencing mild redness or swelling at the treatment site, which usually resolves within a few hours to days. Rare side effects may include temporary skin sensitivity or pigmentation changes, which are typically transient.

Before undergoing Sylfirm X treatment, limiting sun exposure and stopping using products containing retinoids or acids is advisable. After treatment, patients should protect their skin from the sun, follow a gentle skincare routine, and avoid harsh exfoliation for a few days to optimize results.

During a Sylfirm X treatment session, a trained healthcare provider will use advanced technology to deliver precise energy to the targeted areas of the body. Most patients report minimal discomfort after the procedure. The duration of the treatment session may vary depending on the areas being treated and the specific concerns addressed.

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